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Detection of fluorescent droplets using Optoreader


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Droplets generation has a large range of applications, such as emulsion production, single cell analysis, drug delivery or nanoparticles synthesis. Droplets can also be used as micro bioreactors for chemical or biochemical reactions.

In such an application, it is essential to track and probe the individual droplets. The Optoreader offers a light-based, non-invasive, sensitive, high-throughput and convenient way to achieve this goal.

In this application note, we will review the detection of fluorescent droplet using the Optoreader.

[TS-VCSC-Youtube content_youtube=”https://youtu.be/O0zUN-LxRtA” video_start=”2″ lightbox_play=”true”]

This video illustrates how the Optoreader detects and measures the speed of droplets containing fluorescent targets. In the upper left panel, the studied microfluidic chip is visualized showing the generation and transport of droplets. The Optoreader generates a light spot on the fluidic channel to probe the reflection and fluorescence of these droplets as they move across the illuminated area. The collected signal is next visualized and analyzed (statistics on the size, speed and fluorescent intensity) on the right panels. Here, such information is fed back to the pressure control system (lower right panel) to adjust to applied pressure.

Fluorescent droplets detection setup

fluorescent droplets fluorescence measurement
The above scheme shows the microfluidic setup used for this application note. Droplets are generated in the microchip. Their size, speed and composition will depend on the flow rate of the liquid coming from the microfluidic tank.

The experiments shown in this application note have been realized only with Elveflow’s instruments and accessories. For any advice on your research project and experimental needs, do not hesitate to consult our team of specialists.

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    This graph shows the sensitivity as function of the droplet speed. The measurement was conducted on 390 µm-diameter droplets moving in a channel of the same width using a light spot of 400 µm-diameter as probe. * 1 nM FITC available in option

    fluorescent droplets Optical detection microfluidic

    Bidirectional Optical fiber output: for an easy and versatile integration with your microfluidic device.

    High throughput detection: 100 kHz acquisition allows to detect thousands of events per second.

    High sensitivity: Fluorescence detection limit: < 700 fW (100 Hz bandwidth). Detect as low as 1 nM FITC in a 16 nL droplet (with the high sensitivity option).

    Easy interactivity: The OptoReader can interact with other Elveflow products through the Elveflow software suite.

    The user-friendly Elveflow® Smart Interface allows you to easily integrate the Optoreader into your own flow control system.


    OPTOREADER - OPTICAL DETECTION FOR MICROFLUIDICS software real-time statistical fluorescent droplets

    Optical Detection Interface

    Showing the variation of the reflection (blue) and fluorescence (yellow) signals due to the passing of the fluorescent droplets.

    Statistic Interface

    Showing real-time statistical information on the droplets.

    • Frequency
    • Amplitude
    • Width
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